(28 Reviews)
Rating: 1.3 is renowned as the best online dating platform. The key reason behind the enormous demand and popularity of this online dating platform is that it helps people from different countries and cultures to enjoy diversified dating.

If you are looking for dating opportunities according to your age, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Do you want to learn more about datemyage?

If yes, then you should keep reading this review.


It is the best dating platform online. was introduced in the year of 1993. Now, this dating company provides dating services around the world – from Latin America to Asian countries. The best part of joining this online distinct dating network is that you can find out women and men for dating from different 40 countries.

If you are looking for a direct dating platform for singles, you need to look at nowhere else but The best part of choosing this dating site online is that you can easily find partners of age and interest.

When it comes to choosing a dating platform, you would first like to know about its amazing dating features. Actually, comes incorporated with plenty of dating features and functionalities. So, when it comes to choosing a dating platform for singles online, you need to look at nowhere else but datemyage.

Video Chatting, Instant Messaging and Live Streaming and Broadcasting for Dating

One of the key reasons behind the ever-growing popularity of is that it provides incredible communication options for dating online. Whether it is about video chatting or live to stream, you will always find datemyage the right dating site to go with.

So, if you want to spice up your online dating experience, you first need to confirm whether your chosen dating site or dating app has useful communication features or not. Thus, you are advised to go with this amazing dating option called

There is no doubt that communication is the key to online dating success. So, when it comes to grabbing success for dating online, you need to choose a dating platform that can help you unlocking useful communication features. Obviously, provides plenty of options for communication. So, you can spice up your dating experience by making live video calls or broadcasting.

Best Dating for Singles

Leading a life as a single can be a hectic task to accomplish. Obviously, you will never and ever like to enjoy your life alone. Instead, you would like to find a partner with who you can share your emotions. But how it can be done? This is the point where you need to unveil the features of

This is the best dating platform that can help you find singles from different countries. Yes, it’s the best cross-culture dating site that can help you meet men and women from different countries.

Obviously, the more you have options to choose from, the better option you will choose. So, if you want to enjoy dating with single women online, you need to browse through profiles of hot women at By going through different types of profiles of sexy women online, you can find out a few women for dating on the internet.

Join for Free review

If you are assuming that joining this one of the best dating websites could be an expensive decision to go with, you need to get rid of this perception. You need to accept the fact that you can even join this dating platform for free. Yes, you can be able to use different dating features of datemyage as a free member.

But the question arises here how you can be a free member on For this, you need to follow the stated below instructions.

Free Sign up Process for

  • Here, you need to click on the sign-up option.
  • Now, you need to provide asked details of you on the site.
  • You need to provide your full name, email address, contact details, and a short bio.
  • When you decide to write a bio, make sure you should write about your objectives behind joining this dating site for singles.
  • You may need to confirm your email address or contact number.
  • You may also choose a profile picture or upload other types of content for better reach.
  • However, you can join datemyage dating sites for free, but you aren’t supposed to enjoy premium customer support and services.

How to Become a Paid Member to Enjoy Premium Dating Services of DATEMYAGE

If you are assuming that by merely becoming a free member of datemyage, you can be able to enjoy premium dating features, you need to get rid of this confusion. Yes, you need to understand the fact that without choosing a paid membership of this dating platform, you won’t be able to access premium dating features.

So, let’s check out how you can become a paid member of this dating portal to enjoy premium dating facilities online.

  • The process of signing up on this dating site for the paid members is just like the signing up process for free members. The only difference is that paid members need to go through a payment process.
  • For this, you first need to complete your dating profile on this dating.
  • When you complete your dating profile on this website for dating with singles, you will be given options for choosing a paid membership plan.
  • Now, you need to choose a paid membership plan in order to become a paid member of this dating portal.


  • Business
  • Email
  • Website

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I enjoy dating online for free joining this dating site?

Yes you can, provided that you are supported by paid members.

Do I need to provide my real information on this dating site?

However, you may hide your real information, but it is advised that you should provide your real information in order to grab better reach.

Which is the best option – free or paid membership?

Of course, paid membership is a great option as it leads you for unveiling premium dating features.

Can I find singles of my choice for dating online?

Yes, datemyage dating site is devoted to singles. Whether you are looking for men or women for dating online, you can easily find out plenty of singles on the internet.

How does differ from other dating platforms? distinguishes itself by prioritizing shared values and life experiences, enhancing the chances of building deep, meaningful relationships.

Is my personal information secure on

Absolutely. takes your privacy seriously and employs strict security measures to protect your data.

Write A Review

  • So disappointed and think this is a fix. I joined this site about 1 month ago – did not subscribe, got lots of emails telling me how lucky I was and what a huge amount of interest I had! Guys were viewing my profile, every day for 3 weeks it told me I had at least 8 visitors. So I spent just over £32 for a months subscription. Four days, not one view on my profile!! Very disappointed! I wish I’d read the reviews here and saved myself some dosh. Thanks for nothing!!!

  • After many years of uncertainty and loneliness, I began to think that I would never be able to meet my life mate. Then one day I joined Datemyage where I soon discovered the most amazing woman!

  • is probably the best dating website out there. I am registered with 3 other websites but nothing can compete with Datemyage, the women are pretty, it isn’t too expensive for the service and the support is great. Thumbs up

  • If you’re serious about finding someone and you’re not in a rush, this is a great site for you. I met my wife here and we are happily married. Thanks Datemyage

  • is the worst dating site I have encountered. Lots of people on there so they are making lots of money, but don’t deserve it. If you click on links, you don’t get the right person. If you try to communicate, you are asked to spend more money even as a subscriber. A rip off designed to fleece users desperate to meet people. Not recommended! Stay away.

  • Datemyage app is awful! It used be great but you have fake people and you get genders that you don’t want. You have to go through each profile you can’t just see all the profiles. Datemyage changed that feature not sure why.

  • Do not waste your money on Datemyage site. Its absolutely crap. I better find a decent woman elsewhere, this website is just grabbing your money, destroying lives and what ever else they are doing. Preying on others, shame on you.

  • Poorly designed, did not have high expectations to begin with but Datemyage was even worse that anticipated. Only got replies from apparent scammers. I would not be back on any dating site but except for the pandemic. Altogether not a pleasant experience.

  • I realized after not receiving response from local women that Datemyage is keeping up profiles of members who are not currently subscribed, which is not only a huge waste of time it’s bad for morale when no one responds.

  • Garbage site. Paid 80 bucks for 6 months. Then after you buy the membership these scumbags are asking you to pay more to BOOST your profile so more people can see it and then buy coins so your membership gets put ahead of others. What a SCAM! I CANCELLED and better get my money back or I will make sure to keep posting reviews everywhere.

  • The platform is actually pretty poor. How many times do you need to say you’re not interested in someone before this site gets the picture? In general not great not bad, just average.

  • From my perspective, I found this website to have some pretty ladies that “seemed” real, but a lot of fake profiles, out-of-date pictures, pictures that didn’t look like the person in the profile, and scam artists needing money for one reason or another. Some were very creative in their requests. Others had a complicated story before asking for money. While this site staff tries to verify users and profiles, they have missed the boat on a number of levels. Messaging is tied to having a subscription to hook you in. I also noted profiles from women going back 2-3 years being passed off a being “current”. I do not recommend this dating site.

  • If I could give this dating website a zero I would! Raving reviews on this site but I’m sorry there is nothing to rave here. They don’t even match people to your likes and interests. II had to deactivate my account and cancel my subscription, which is still active and will only expire in Jan 2022. Please go elsewhere if you are looking for something serious because it does not do serious at all!

  • This site has just taken nearly £200 from my account AFTER I deleted my bank details and accidentally hovered over the credit screen to see what the credits were all about….its crap and its banking system does not even ask for your 3 digit security on reverse of card…..why are these companies allowed to operate! I am a single mum on a budget just looking for a genuine guy, but find I am out of pocket by alot of money and most of guys are cat fishing you….DO NOT USE!

  • At first, I signed up and got messages that you can’t view cos you have to be a paid member, paid, saw the messages and replied but stopped getting replies back. It’s a scam for you to pay. I think there are actually no real messages. Tell me how someone that’s liked me and I liked back and we are a match is online and keeps getting my messages wouldn’t want to reply?